Running and 6 months postpartum
Hello Saturday and hello Valborg!
Hope you are well! I am feeling good and had a lovely family day so far. Started the day with vegan panncakes and lots of coffee, then a pw/run with my love and Lily in the stroller. And when we got back we had some leftovers for lunch and now we will relax before getting ready for the evening and dinner at my uncle and his wife to celebrate my cousin William, how turned 15 yesterday.
Yesterday I was out running a half marathon again. I ran in a great speed and felt fantastic afterwards. I tried my new shoes, they were so comfy. Love asics!

After the run yesterday we had a calm evening with pizza, crisps and fruit. Lily was in a good mood and went to bed at eight and slept until 5 this morning!! My love and I watched two episodes of the serie we are following. So relaxing!
6 months after giving birth to Lily. I am soo soo happy ofr my strong and fit body.

mama-workout for me and Lily playing off on her own.

My parents were in Serbia last weekend and bought those cute bottles and glasses for us.

Well time for a shower now!
have a lovely evening,
hugs Jen