2016- what a wonderful year!
So 2016 has come to an end. 2016 must have been the best year in my life.
So much have happened this year and I feel overwhelmed with love and happiness when I think of this year!
So many trips, finding out I was pregnant, meeting so many amazing people, eating delicious food, being surrounded by my lovely family and friends, giving birth to my beautiful daughter, becoming a mum! Yeah.. what a year. Thanks life <3
So 2016 started in Melbourne, Australia!!

On New Years at my aussie friend Cornell's balcony.

On of the best New Years in my life.

I am so happy we could make this trip back to my second home!

We drove around and saw amazing views in the land down under.

And drank a few yummie beers..
and tried a few nice wines..

Spent time with those two. For ever thankful to have them in my life.

Drank heaps of good coffes!

What a trip!

And we spent our first anniversery day in Melbs.

After Australia we came home to a white and cold Sweden!!

Under 2016 I have spent lots of time with this sweatpea!

Have eaten lots of yummie food!

And been horsebackriding on this one! ( unfortunately he is not with us anymore.)

Beautiful moments..

I have been exercising alot!!

Lots of running!

Have made my own sushi..

Been kissing this one.. alot!!

Have been enjoying beautiful days!

And the happiest moment! Finding out I was pregnant with Lily!!

My love and I went to France and Monaco in April. A wonderful trip

My belly started to grow..

Spent time with this gorgeous lady!

Baby in progress..

Spent time with friends!

And cousins..

To see our baby for the first time on the ultra sound was such a magical feeling!

Spent time with those ladies! <3

Beautiful evenings by the lake this summer.

In June my mum, sister, sister-in-law and myself went to Zakynthos. Another relaxed and great trip!!

Mum and I was out running every morning:)

Beautiful Greece!!

A growing belly!

Those girls!! Love them all very much.

That feeling- sunshine, vacay and no worries.

More running

Midsummer 2016! What a beautiful day!!

Sweden gave us a beautiful summer

Walks with him <3

Here I was 25 weeks preggo

Picked heaps of berries this summer!

Those summer evening!

Enjoyed some time of during summer..

Drank yummie non alco beers :)

Dinner in Halmstad with my babe this summer !

A growing baby.. here I was 30 weeks preggo.

Picked a few chantarells this year..

In august me and my family went to Almafi coast, Italy. What an amazing trip!!

We drank lots of coffee and ate lots of delis food!

I went for walks in the mountains..

Drank cappucinos and ate cookies :)

And belly was growing even more :)
But it didn't stop me from exercising!

Him and me<3 that's love!

Ate gelato of course!

My beautiful parents. How could I ever thank them for everything in my life ?

Belly growing more.. I stoped to work and became and the doctor wrote me a sick leave..

Beautiful September days.

My mate and big brother Cornell from Australia came for a visit. One of the best weeks in 2016- no doubt. So cool to show him my home and family!! And we had such a great weather when he was here!

We had the warmest day in Sweden for over 50 years in September 2016. What a day!

We visited my cousin Matilda in Gothenburg!

My beautiful mum turned 50 years old! We celebrated here with cakes, cigars and champagne !!

We saw my little brother play soccer. Another beautiful day! Last day for Cornell in Sweden.

Here 36 weeks pregnant!

My second cousin Lovisa took a few preggo photos of me. It's something magical about being preggo!

Cosy evenings in our apartment!

Now it's hard to believe Lily was in there!

My love and I ready for 50+ 50 years party! My mum and my uncle had a big party in October. Such a fun evening with lots of funny people!!


Our friends from Germany was here!!

One week before my birthday in October my sister and I hada Spa day.

Autum came..

Never thought I could be this big..

Celebrated my 26th birthday with non alco champagne and with my beloved fiancé and family.

40 weeks preggo! How I waited for the little one to come.. and 8 days after due date she came!!

My dear dear Lily! What a feeling to hold her for the first time. No words can describe that feeling. To give birth was one of the most painful things I ever been though but also one of the most amazing things ever!!

Here she was one day old!!

Her first bath!

When we got home from the hospital we got lots of presents and flowers!!

Everyone wanted to meet our little miracle!

My body 6 days after giving birth. How amazing aren't our bodies ???

Our first walk with Lily!

Mornings with my little bubba. Breastfeeding- what an amazing thing!

Have never slept so little. And never felt so much love!!

Our baby have been growing and we have started to get to know eachother more and more.

I could fit into my old jeans again!

I never know I could love someone before I met them.

We have had many cosy mornings.. me and my family!

Started to get back on track with my training and running again after my pregnancy..

She has given me so many reasons to be happy.

We had some really nice winterdays in November..

She gave me her first smile!

And we found out she loves having a bath..

My love celebrated his 31th birthday in December..

A growing little girl!

Christmas came and Lily was all of a sudden 8 weeks old.

We had a wonderful Xmas!!

Four generations. So cool!!

With this picture I say thank you so much 2016 for giving me a year I never will forget.
So enjoy the rest of it, because I will!
And let's make 2017 to an amazing one!