Happy Halloween

Good evening dear ones and happy Halloween! 
Hope you all are having an amazing weekend! 
This Saturday have been a pretty slow one. Was a good party yesterday! 
I had so much fun, love when people dresses up for Halloween. I was a police woman, maybe not so scary, but anyway it was fun! 
Yesterday we had a day off. I did some cleaning and fixing at home, but didn't do to much, since I had a sore thoat ( it's much better now thou, had a few whiskies yesterday ;) ). Before we went to the Halloween party, our friends Marcus and Dea came over for dinner and pre drinks. 
I made pulled beef and homemade pita-bread. SO YUM! 
With ma Scottish man! 
My crazy siblings..
The gang!! 
Thanks for a good party! 
Tonight we are going out for dinner with my family at a Steakhouse Restaurant. Will be yum! 
Have a great evening! 
With Love Jen