Last night
Hello Saturday !
Yesterday was a great day, and in the evening Sofia and my brother came over for dinner. It was very spontaneous, but we had so much fun. I made a three course dinner, started with smoked salmon with salad and a fresh dill cream. For maincourse I made pork filét baked in the oven with lots of herbs and spices and to go with that I made a lovely mash made out of potatoes, parmesan and Jerusalem artichoke. And also a beer/redwine sauce. Yum! And for dessert hazelnut icecream with homemade chocolate sauce, strawberries and rosted hazelnuts.

Right now I am sitting in the car on my way to Halmstad with the boys for a cosy and fun evening with lazerdome, chat and dinner.
Started this Saturday early with horseback riding with Lisa , then I had to fix a few things for tomorrow, do some cleaning, and then a quick run and now we are on our way.
Have a lovely Saturday my darlings!