Smile and wake up, it's a new day
God morning friday!

So I started my day with a short run in the cold and now brekkie. So yum with smoothie, kiwi, English breakfast tea and sandwishes with cheese, letture and vegemite! ( makes me think of Aussie, where I first tried it and also bought it)
So for me it's work all day. Will be very busy today.. but it should be ok. I still feel I don't have my full speed energi.. but it must be from the cold..
Hope your day is more relaxed than mine!
Last evening at work was good and fun! I was holding a whisky tasting and also beer tasting. I really enjoy my work evenings like that, because people are often very interested and think you are very good at what you are doing. Tumbs up :)
So one week until Italy today. Si la bella vita italiana :)
I feel so happy everytime I look at this photo of Andreas. He is shining and look happy with his lovely smile and eyes. Cutie!

Have a great Friday lovely people!