Flashback 2014
So 2014 has come to an end..
It's been a year with lots of fun, happiness and love. Of course it have had it's ups and downs.
Here is my flashback:
. had a great New Years (2013) at our friends house ...

We had a very cold winter

I was out running with my sweetheart Jackie..

Andreas and I went to Gothenburg and stayed over night at Clariton hotel.
We met Matilda and had a drink..

Snow and more snow..
I worked..
Had cozy evenings with Andreas.. I moved in with him.. without anyone of us knowing it..

Signe was born..

I went to Italy to go skiing and we had an amazing week..

We ate great food and drank lots of good things

More cosy evenings with my man..

Lots of hugs with this dog

'New shoes, and I have already ran lots of miles in those ones..

The spring began slowly to come..

Got lovely gifts from my work..
I went to Copenhagen with my workmates..

Enjoyed the spring.. in the end of April the weather was amazing !

Spent a weekend in Halmstad ..

Got flowers..

My friend Carolin had her babyshower..

Happy days!

Andreas and I went on our first trip together down to Lubeck , Germany..

More and more love..

Amanda gratuated school..


I went to Malta for holiday and to meet my dear
Gabby !

I had a lovely time..
Worked a hard week before summerholidays..

Went out horsebackriding!
Summer came....

And we went down to Germany.. stayed with my second family..
Germany wan the worldcup.

Drank heaps of beers

We also went to Austria and Switzerland

Ate great food..

And shopping..

We had a beautiful hot Swedish summer!

We had many lazy and wonderful days in the sun ..

And Halmstad beach..

More horsebackriding..

..and summernights..

I was tanned..

Had my first cigarr. Enjoyed it

Bbq of course. I haven't missed out on that this summer..

I have smiled alot

Had my old friend Johanna on visit..

More summerlove

More food...

We flew to Greece and had a wonderful week..

..with those ladies..

We moved in to our new apartment in Bredaryd ..

Moving in party

Went out in the forest and picked those ones..

New haircut..

We went to Lindköping..

Autum came..

More cozy evenings..
I started to work with tupperware and met awesome people..
I had my birthday ..
My babe took me on a trip to Skansen Spa hotel in Båstad and we had a romantic weekend..

More love ..

Xmas came early...

Cozy mornings..

Beautiful views..

My boy had his bithday. We decided to get engaged.
I worked my last day at Bredaryds Wärdshus..

Xmas came ..

Had a cosy time with this cutie..

And this man. He has made my year .

And the winter and snow came!
I will thank my wonderful family, friends and Andreas for this year. And for people that have inspired me, supported me and helped me this year. Life isn't always easy and sometimes it's very unfair. But life goes on and you always learn something new out of everything you do.
I am soooo lucky and happy to have my life. THANK YOU !
Happy NEW YEAR everyone!!
With lots and lots of love